It makes me worried, because the implementation now becamevery abstract, and it no longer conveys the intent: it doesn't tellthe reader how the "is" macro is meant to be used, which I thinkis a big price to pay -- especially given that the behavior that it enablesis questionable and discouraged and unlikely to be used in practice:I expect specialization of a single argument of a binary predicate
to be the most common use case, which in my view justifiesthe irregular behavior.It also prompts to consider another interpretation, where "is" would alwaysbe returning a lambda, and so instead of (is x < y), one would need towrite ((is x < y)). I don't think there's any utility in such consistence,but I'm mentioning it for consideration.To unsubscribe from this list please go to KS2EzWX7QQ4xln4ryZkZneOEVSTjbb Ub