I don't think putting stuff in files is general enough, because not all pretty-printing is of code.  Indeed, Emacs should be used for that (I do even though I don't edit with Emacs).  It's pretty-printing data, especially at the REPL, that's the most important use of pp IME.

On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 3:02 PM Arthur A. Gleckler <xxxxxx@speechcode.com> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 9:05 AM Lassi Kortela <xxxxxx@lassi.io> wrote:
I would solve that by putting

   (indent (define-html-template 2)))

at the top of every source file using `define-html-template`. But there
isn't yet evidence that everyone else doesn't hate `declare-file` :p 

Yes, that would be fine.  My point was just that it would no longer be a zero-configuration printer.