Final SRFI 160: Homogeneous numeric vector libraries
Arthur A. Gleckler
(27 Aug 2019 22:57 UTC)
Re: Final SRFI 160: Homogeneous numeric vector libraries
Arthur A. Gleckler
(27 Aug 2019 22:59 UTC)
Re: Final SRFI 160: Homogeneous numeric vector libraries
Shiro Kawai
(28 Aug 2019 11:25 UTC)
Re: Final SRFI 160: Homogeneous numeric vector libraries
Shiro Kawai
(28 Aug 2019 11:36 UTC)
Re: Final SRFI 160: Homogeneous numeric vector libraries
John Cowan
(28 Aug 2019 13:37 UTC)
Re: Final SRFI 160: Homogeneous numeric vector libraries
John Cowan
(28 Aug 2019 13:45 UTC)
Re: Final SRFI 160: Homogeneous numeric vector libraries Arthur A. Gleckler (28 Aug 2019 22:56 UTC)
Re: Final SRFI 160: Homogeneous numeric vector libraries
John Cowan
(29 Aug 2019 01:41 UTC)
Re: Final SRFI 160: Homogeneous numeric vector libraries
Arthur A. Gleckler
(29 Aug 2019 15:23 UTC)
John Cowan <> writes: | On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 7:25 AM Shiro Kawai <> wrote: | I think in all the checkouts and | merges I must have lost some | uncommitted changes. Git can be nasty | that way. I definitely wrote a | sentence like " If multiple returns | occur from @vector-map, the values | returned by earlier returns may be | mutated." But I think silence is all | right too, since (a) I suspect call/cc | into or out of a map procedure is rare | — most of them are pure functional, | and (b) I think people will expect the | efficient approach rather than the | theoretically correct one. This | follows up on similar silence back to | SRFI 43. Even SRFI 1 and R5RS aren't | explicit, though R[67]RS are. | | So I leave it up to Arthur whether to | introduce this sentence as "omitted in | error" or not. I've added a version of it. You agreed to add it earlier, so "omitted in error" is definitely true. John Cowan <> writes: | Thanks, please add that and Arthur, please fix. | | On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 7:37 AM Shiro Kawai <> wrote: | | Also, @vector-unfold! and | @vector-unfold-right! seem to be | added at the last minute and not | accompanied by reference | implementation. I can make PR for | that, too. BTW, the second argument | of these two procedures in srfi | document are supposed to be '@vec' | rather than 'vec'. I've changed those and several other places to use "@vec", too. I also made a small grammar fix. I'm always amazed that I miss things like these on a careful reading before finalization. Ugh. Will you both please review the changes before I mark them as part of an official errata change?: <> Thanks to you both.