New draft (#4) of SRFI 160: Homogeneous numeric vector libraries Arthur A. Gleckler 11 Oct 2018 02:40 UTC

I've just published draft #4 of SRFI 160.  It was submitted by
John Cowan, author of the SRFI.


Here are John's comments on the draft:

  This is a minor revision of the SRFI document, plus
  implementations for the first layer, which is (r6rs
  bytevectors).  I have it working for Chicken 4 and Guile, but
  Chibi fails the float vector tests because the portable code in
  r6rs/srfi-56-ieee-impl.scm isn't working.  I'm posting it anyway
  in hopes that someone can get it to work.

  The summoning spells for testing are:

  $ guile r6rs/r6rs-tests.scm   # tests Guile's native library
  $ guile -L . r6rs/guile-tests.scm # tests this library on Guile
  $ csc -J -s r6rs.bytevectors.scm # Chicken library must be
  $ csi -b r6rs/chicken-tests.scm # tests this library on Chicken
  $ chibi-scheme r6rs/r7rs-tests.scm # tests on Chibi, many

  You can append " | grep -v OK" to weed out the tests that pass.

Here's the diff:



SRFI Editor