That's pretty restricting in how you use this SRFI, and will encourage frequent opening and closing the database, which might be expensive in some naive server based implementations, but for those will encourage connection pooling.  It will also encourage making config global state, instead of using it once in a single call to okvs-open.

Good points all.    What's more, one may wish to open two OKVSes and copy keys and values from one to the other.

I think it's less necessary than doing this for transactions, which have a much shorter lexical existence

Not only that, but they are intrinsically nested, unlike databases.  So I'd say leave -open and -close alone.

 It could be made a required config parameter, thus making config required.

I'd prefer to keep config strictly optional.

By the way, since this is now the de facto Scheme-database mailing list, I'd really be glad of a review of
the incomplete relation pre-SRFI at <>.