New draft (#2) of SRFI 167: Ordered Key Value Store Arthur A. Gleckler 27 Apr 2019 02:51 UTC

I've just published draft #2 of SRFI 167.  It was submitted by
Amirouche Boubekki, author of the SRFI.


Here are Amirouche's comments on the draft:

  - rationale: add a paragraph about learning and modern practice
  - remove lexicographic packing
  - replace `database` with `store` in some places
  - replace ARGS with CONFIG and prefix procedure with store
  - add
  - s/rollback/roll-back/
  - add predicate okvs? and okvs-transaction?
  - add okvs-prefix and change okvs-range
  - specify some CONFIG options
  - implementation: does not rely on accumulators anymore

Here's the diff:



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