New draft (#4) of SRFI 167: Ordered Key Value Store Arthur A. Gleckler 11 Jun 2019 22:38 UTC

I've just published draft #4 of SRFI 167.  It was submitted by
Amirouche Boubekki, author of the SRFI.


Here are the commit comments on this draft:

  - rename okvs-rm! to okvs-clear!
  - okvs-transaction-begin: enforce transaction commit or
  - okvs: remove key 'isolation from config
  - Improve wording.
  - rename okvs-clear! to okvs-delete!
  - add okvs-range-remove!
  - In okvs procedure, make HOME mandatory.
  - add okvs-maximum-key
  - config: it is an error if it is not an association list
  - make create? mandatory in okvs procedure.
  - replace 'okvs-transactional' with 'okvs-in-transaction'
  - rework sample implementation
  - debug
  - Revert "make create? mandatory in okvs procedure."
  - sample implementation: okvs: remove create?
  - add license headers
  - typofix
  - Publish fourth draft.

Here's the diff:



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