Final SRFI 168: Generic Tuple Store Database Arthur A. Gleckler (09 Nov 2019 05:48 UTC)
Re: Final SRFI 168: Generic Tuple Store Database Lassi Kortela (09 Nov 2019 12:51 UTC)

Re: Final SRFI 168: Generic Tuple Store Database Lassi Kortela 09 Nov 2019 12:51 UTC

> Scheme Request for Implementation 168,
> "Generic Tuple Store Database,"
> by Amirouche Boubekki,
> has gone into "final" status.
> The document and an archive of the discussion are available at
> Here's the abstract:
> This library is a generic approach to the database abstractions known as
>> triplestore and quadstore.  Generic Tuple Store Database implements n-tuple
>> ordered sets and associated primitives for working with them in the context
>> of data management.
> Many thanks to Amirouche and to everyone who contributed to the discussion
> of this SRFI.

Congratulations on getting these finalized :)

We can continue porting work on the reference implementations.