Are there canonical implementations of the Scheme reader algorithm for
some of the reports (R5RS, R6RS, R7RS)?
I don't know what to post as the reference implementation of underscores
in the SRFI.
The code below would constitute the core of it -- a procedure to read a
group of digits, possibly with underscores in between. This kind of
subroutine would be called by the main number reader whenever it comes
across a "one or more digits" part of the number.
The below code is missing case folding of hex digits but that's simple
(define digits "0123456789abcdef")
(define (read-char-limit? chars limit)
(let ((ch (peek-char)))
(let loop ((i 0))
(cond ((>= i limit) #f)
((eqv? ch (string-ref chars i)) (read-char) i)
(else (loop (+ i 1)))))))
(define (read-char? chars)
(read-char-limit? chars (string-length chars)))
(define (read-digits? radix)
(let loop ((was-digit? #f) (value #f))
(if (read-char? "_")
(cond (was-digit? (loop #f value))
(value (error "More than one consecutive underscore"))
(else (error "Underscore before digits")))
(let ((digit (read-char-limit? digits radix)))
(cond (digit (loop #t (+ digit (* radix (or value 0)))))
((and value (not was-digit?)) (error "Underscore after
(else value))))))