Re: where is srfi-17 going? Jost Boekemeier (25 Jan 2000 09:29 UTC)
Re: where is srfi-17 going? sperber@xxxxxx (25 Jan 2000 10:19 UTC)
Re: where is srfi-17 going? Jost Boekemeier (25 Jan 2000 10:57 UTC)

Re: where is srfi-17 going? Jost Boekemeier 25 Jan 2000 10:57 UTC (Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor]) writes:

[Clos and Dylan]
> Jost> You can send a message to an object asking it to change its internal
> Jost> state.
> These object systems have no concept of "send[ing] a message to an
> object," and they can hardly be called unreasonable.

Aha.  What do :setter and :getter do?  -- The created generics are not like
slot-set! or slot-get, are they?

However, my point was that it is not a good idea to grab the object
internals, pass them around and change them later.

> Friede, V��lkerverst��ndigung und ��berhaupt blabla
