Re: where is srfi-17 going? David Rush (05 Feb 2000 00:29 UTC)
Re: where is srfi-17 going? Per Bothner (05 Feb 2000 01:05 UTC)
Re: where is srfi-17 going? David Rush (05 Feb 2000 01:48 UTC)
Re: where is srfi-17 going? Lars Thomas Hansen (05 Feb 2000 02:57 UTC)
Re: where is srfi-17 going? David Rush (05 Feb 2000 02:05 UTC)
Re: where is srfi-17 going? sperber@xxxxxx (18 Feb 2000 14:45 UTC)
Re: where is srfi-17 going? sperber@xxxxxx (07 Feb 2000 08:56 UTC)

Re: where is srfi-17 going? sperber@xxxxxx 18 Feb 2000 14:45 UTC

>>>>> "Per" == Per Bothner <> writes:

Per> [Editors: I propose this sample implementation be merged into the
Per> draft.  I can make a diff, but I trust you can Do The Right Thing
Per> without it.]

Done that.  Sorry for the delay, but my brain took a while to register
that this bit was meant specifically for me.  A separate mail to me
personally would have sped things up, erh, significantly.

Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla