Re: time to finish off/up srfi-17
sperber@xxxxxx 24 Jul 2000 10:07 UTC
>>>>> "Per" == Per Bothner <> writes:
Per> Per Bothner <> writes:
>> Ok, let's finalize it then. Thanks for your patience.
Per> Ooops. Mikael Djurfeldt <> just mailed me
Per> a suggested formal syntax and semantics. I'm just about to go
Per> to bed, so I haven't had a chance to more than glance it, but it
Per> seems to make sense to edit it in. What do you people more
Per> experienced in these things think?
The SRFI finalized now, but I'll be happy to check this in as an
Appendix if you want.
Cheers =8-} Mike
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