On Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 3:44 PM <xxxxxx@ancell-ent.com> wrote:

The umask system call which is equivalent to this SRFI's set-umask returns the previous umask (setting and resetting the umask to a saved copy is the only way to find out what it currently is...).  Any reason to not change the undefined return of set-umask to return the old umask, except for scsh returning a #{Unspecific} value, which can be noted in Implementation?

Hmmm, Chibi Scheme defaults creating directories and symbolic links with permission bits #o775 instead of the SRFI's #o777, not defaulting to world writable would be a very good idea.  Ditto fifoes, except #o664 is its appropriate set of permission bits.

 Makes sense.  scsh in this way dates back to a friendlier era.

Will no longer needed once I implement both in Chibi Scheme (due to stealing copying with full attribution from filesystem.stub, should be trivial as soon as I do the general SRFI's error system), I suggest renaming create-symlink to create-symbolic-link.

"Symlink" is a perfectly normal term.  I know Chibi uses symbolic-link, but I don't see much point in changing it in the SRFI.  That opens the can of worms labeled "Whose procedure names should we use?", which I very much don't want.
An operation missing from both R7RS and the SRFI that's in Chibi Scheme's filesystem library that I think should be added because of it's trivial implementation is rename-file.  This also gives us the opportunity if we so desire to rename chdir -> change-directory and cwd -> change-working-directory.

I flushed it accidentally. I restored it from the scsh manual and sent you a PR.

John Cowan          http://vrici.lojban.org/~cowan        xxxxxx@ccil.org
When I'm stuck in something boring where reading would be impossible or
rude, I often set up math problems for myself and solve them as a way
to pass the time.      --John Jenkins