All overkill for the Posix SRFI.  Leave it for higher-level routines, if any.

On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 1:30 PM Lassi Kortela <> wrote:
> That survey suggests one more possibility:
> - Split the GECOS field at the first comma.
> - Return the part before that comma as the "user full name".
> - Ignore the remainder.
> - If there is no comma, return the entire field as "user full name".
> - Maybe also expand any ampersand (&) to the username.

Here: <>

It only expands the first ampersand. There should be at most one.

Also, if we use this technique and return only the first comma-delimited
field from pw_gecos, then we can repurpose the same user-info:full-name
procedure for Windows and other operating systems.