Re: scsh-0.6.7 -> scsh-0.7 has substantial changes, and introduces grievous error Lassi Kortela (10 Jul 2019 20:32 UTC)
SQLite only SRFI? hga@xxxxxx (11 Jul 2019 01:49 UTC)
Re: SQLite only SRFI? John Cowan (11 Jul 2019 03:23 UTC)
Re: SQLite only SRFI? hga@xxxxxx (11 Jul 2019 08:19 UTC)
Re: SQLite only SRFI? John Cowan (11 Jul 2019 13:32 UTC)
Re: Systems lie about persistence and consistency promises. A lot. Arthur A. Gleckler (10 Jul 2019 22:51 UTC)
Schemepersist, anyone? hga@xxxxxx (10 Jul 2019 23:40 UTC)

Re: scsh-0.6.7 -> scsh-0.7 has substantial changes, and introduces grievous error Lassi Kortela 10 Jul 2019 20:32 UTC

> Given that disks, disk controllers, and disk array controllers all
> have big RAM buffers and report writes as done long before they
> actually are complete, I'd say: let's flush both sync-file and
> sync-file-system from SRFI 170.

And there was much rejoicing :)

> This form of cutting the Gordian Knot works for me.


> It could someday be the remit of a SRFI or library.

Not sure if this is what you mean, but disk syncing is definitely enough
of a black art that it could merit its own SRFI that contains nothing
but a sync procedure (and a lengthy Rationale section full of caveats
about it :)