exec-path-list rationale Lassi Kortela (29 Jul 2019 07:03 UTC)
Re: Simplicity of timespec section, and exec-path-list rationale Lassi Kortela (31 Jul 2019 15:24 UTC)

Re: Simplicity of timespec section, and exec-path-list rationale Lassi Kortela 31 Jul 2019 15:24 UTC

> Okay, works for me.

Thanks. As a curiosity, here's the pertinent Python stuff. They call
slash/backslash simply "sep"!


os.curdir    The constant string used by the operating system to refer
to the current directory. This is '.' for Windows and POSIX. Also
available via os.path.

os.pardir    The constant string used by the operating system to refer
to the parent directory. This is '..' for Windows and POSIX. Also
available via os.path.

os.sep    The character used by the operating system to separate
pathname components. This is '/' for POSIX and '\\' for Windows. Note
that knowing this is not sufficient to be able to parse or concatenate
pathnames — use os.path.split() and os.path.join() — but it is
occasionally useful. Also available via os.path.

os.altsep    An alternative character used by the operating system to
separate pathname components, or None if only one separator character
exists. This is set to '/' on Windows systems where sep is a backslash.
Also available via os.path.

os.extsep    The character which separates the base filename from the
extension; for example, the '.' in os.py. Also available via os.path.

os.pathsep    The character conventionally used by the operating system
to separate search path components (as in PATH), such as ':' for POSIX
or ';' for Windows. Also available via os.path.

os.defpath    The default search path used by exec*p* and spawn*p* if
the environment doesn’t have a 'PATH' key. Also available via os.path.