set-environment-variable Lassi Kortela (05 Dec 2019 00:18 UTC)
Re: set-environment-variable John Cowan (05 Dec 2019 19:48 UTC)
Re: set-environment-variable hga@xxxxxx (06 Dec 2019 00:29 UTC)
Re: set-environment-variable Lassi Kortela (06 Dec 2019 09:55 UTC)
Re: set-environment-variable John Cowan (06 Dec 2019 13:21 UTC)
Re: set-environment-variable Lassi Kortela (06 Dec 2019 13:53 UTC)
Re: set-environment-variable John Cowan (06 Dec 2019 17:51 UTC)
Re: set-environment-variable Arthur A. Gleckler (06 Dec 2019 18:45 UTC)
Re: set-environment-variable Lassi Kortela (06 Dec 2019 19:00 UTC)
Re: set-environment-variable Lassi Kortela (06 Dec 2019 20:41 UTC)
Re: set-environment-variable hga@xxxxxx (07 Dec 2019 15:07 UTC)
Re: set-environment-variable Lassi Kortela (07 Dec 2019 16:14 UTC)
Re: set-environment-variable Lassi Kortela (07 Dec 2019 16:23 UTC)
Re: set-environment-variable hga@xxxxxx (07 Dec 2019 16:30 UTC)
Re: set-environment-variable John Cowan (07 Dec 2019 17:31 UTC)
Re: set-environment-variable Lassi Kortela (07 Dec 2019 20:12 UTC)
Is set-environment-variable needed after all? Lassi Kortela (07 Dec 2019 20:15 UTC)
Re: Is set-environment-variable needed after all? John Cowan (07 Dec 2019 21:13 UTC)
Re: Is set-environment-variable needed after all? Lassi Kortela (08 Dec 2019 19:36 UTC)
Re: Is set-environment-variable needed after all? hga@xxxxxx (08 Dec 2019 20:08 UTC)
Re: Is set-environment-variable needed after all? Lassi Kortela (09 Dec 2019 11:00 UTC)
Re: Is set-environment-variable needed after all? Duy Nguyen (09 Dec 2019 03:51 UTC)
Re: Is set-environment-variable needed after all? John Cowan (09 Dec 2019 04:21 UTC)
Re: Is set-environment-variable needed after all? Lassi Kortela (09 Dec 2019 10:39 UTC)
Re: Is set-environment-variable needed after all? Lassi Kortela (09 Dec 2019 10:41 UTC)
Re: Is set-environment-variable needed after all? Duy Nguyen (09 Dec 2019 10:45 UTC)
Re: Is set-environment-variable needed after all? Lassi Kortela (09 Dec 2019 10:49 UTC)
Re: Is set-environment-variable needed after all? John Cowan (09 Dec 2019 19:36 UTC)
Re: Is set-environment-variable needed after all? Lassi Kortela (09 Dec 2019 19:46 UTC)

Re: Is set-environment-variable needed after all? Lassi Kortela 09 Dec 2019 11:00 UTC

> I didn't even know about putenv, not at all a System V fan, but it
> appears that's why its in POSIX, see this comment for POSIX setenv:
>> There was considerable debate as to whether the System V putenv()
>> function or the BSD setenv() function should be required as a
>> mandatory function. The setenv() function was chosen because it
>> permitted the implementation of the unsetenv() function to delete
>> environmental variables, without specifying an additional
>> interface. The putenv() function is available as part of the XSI
>> option.
> It looks very sketchy, see this from POSIX, and there's lots more:
>> The putenv() function need not be thread-safe.
> It doesn't even have EINVAL defined as a possible error in case you
> don't pass it a string including '=' (it takes "name=value"), only
> ENOMEM if you run out of memory.

Thanks for digging up this information. That sure is a pessimal API!

> I just checked glibc, and while the comments express concern about
> running out of memory---it was started in 1987, and it's conceivable
> someone might want to use it in larger memory embedded environments,
> it has a feature to reuse existing strings---it too never frees, and
> reallocs as needed.  See e.g. this from an unofficial repo:
> Today this memory leaking probably isn't very important, outside of
> embedded systems.


A lot of the complications probably come from the fact that memory was
tight in the 1980s, so they couldn't just strdup() all strings at the
API boundary.

Here's musl libc: <>.
unsetenv() actually calls free() on some strings.

>> Not sure how much the memory leak matters. If an implementation wanted
>> to go to a ton of effort, it could keep a list of pointers to "putenv()
>> strings managed by Scheme" and the delete-environment-variable! could
>> check whether it's one of those.
> That's assuming nothing called in the meanwhile made a copy of the
> pointer to the putenv'ed string; again from the POSIX entry on putenv:
>> Although the space used by string is no longer used once a new
>> string which defines name is passed to putenv(), if any thread in
>> the application has used getenv() to retrieve a pointer to this
>> variable, it should not be freed by calling free(). If the changed
>> environment variable is one known by the system (such as the locale
>> environment variables) the application should never free the buffer
>> used by earlier calls to putenv() for the same variable.

You're right.

> glibc locks the array; per this, which setenv refers to, it's required:
>> Conforming multi-threaded applications shall not use the environ
>> variable to access or modify any environment variable while any
>> other thread is concurrently modifying any environment variable. A
>> call to any function dependent on any environment variable shall be
>> considered a use of the environ variable to access that environment
>> variable.

OK, so it's mandatory.

> All that said, except for special cases like development and debugging,
> I've never had a need to set environment variables outside of process
> edge conditions, which the process SRFI will take care of.  If no one
> can come up with a library where you really need to set or reset an
> environment variable, as John implicitly notes good time libraries
> don't depend on TZ, not wrapping both setenv and unsetenv as John
> suggested sounds best.

We could also write a separate SRFI as a follow-up to SFI 98 with just
set-environment-variable! and delete-environment-variable! :) As was
done with the timespec SRFI.