Regarding what to export (input wanted).
Linus Björnstam 13 Jul 2019 19:28 UTC
Hi all!
I am in the middle of writing the second draft, and I would love some input on what to export.
When writing your own transducers, there are some procedures that are good to have. There are a bunch of [collection]-reduce functions that are useful when writing procedures that expand one value to many values (like tcat/tconcatenate or tflatten) or when you accumulate values and have to finalize them (like tsegment or tpartition). They are however _not_ very useful when you just want to use the transducers. Likewise, there are functions to deal with reducing and unreducing values (meaning: telling the reduction to stop and helper functions for the transducers described above).
Should I just export them or define 2 libraries srfi-171 and (srfi-171 xxx)? I don't like the idea of polluting the namespace with things like vector-reduce that has a specific use case (although, can be used generally as well, but their use is a collection-specific subset of transducers). The other option would be to prefix them in some way, like srfi-171-list-reduce, but that makes writing transducers a bit of a burden. I don't know about you, but srfi-171-deref-reduced doesn't roll off my tongue.
Sorry about the delay, I have spent a majority of my vacation being ill.
Linus Björnstam