New draft (#2) of SRFI 173: Hooks Arthur A. Gleckler 18 Sep 2019 23:06 UTC

I've just published draft #2 of SRFI
173.  It was submitted by Amirouche
Boubekki, author of the SRFI.


Here are Amirouche's comments on the draft:

  The SRFI-173 sample implementation is good.

Here are the commit comments:

  - fix up tests
  - add list->hook (and rename hook.scm
    to hook.sld)
  - add list->hook!
  - typofix
  - cosmit
  - hooks can be invokable
  - hook.sld: move body to hook.body.scm
    and add hook.chezscheme.sls
  - typofix
  - Publish second draft.

Here's the diff:



SRFI Editor