Inexact integers Lassi Kortela (18 Nov 2019 12:18 UTC)
Re: Inexact integers John Cowan (18 Nov 2019 14:57 UTC)
Re: Inexact integers Lassi Kortela (18 Nov 2019 17:57 UTC)
Re: Inexact integers John Cowan (18 Nov 2019 18:22 UTC)
Re: Inexact integers Lassi Kortela (18 Nov 2019 18:43 UTC)
Re: Inexact integers Lassi Kortela (18 Nov 2019 18:58 UTC)

Inexact integers Lassi Kortela 18 Nov 2019 12:18 UTC

The inexact->timespec and timespec->inexact procedures should probably
forbid inexact integers, just to state the obvious. If there are missing
digits in the integer part, it's not obvious how to interpret that.

What is the canonical term to talk about inexact floats - do we call
them floats, real numbers, or something else?