I've just published draft #6 of SRFI 175.  It was submitted by Lassi Kortela, author of the SRFI.


Because of this new draft, we're extending the last call period to 2019/12/16.  Thank you for your feedback.

Here are Lassi's comments on the draft:

  I'd like to make one more change... Upon closer inspection, the `ascii-open-bracket` and `ascii-close-bracket` procedures are probably not useful enough to justify being included so IMHO it'd be better if they are removed. From the bracket procedures, `ascii-mirror-bracket` is the only one that would stay.

Here is the commit summary:

  - Clarify ASCII and non-ASCII arguments
  - Remove ascii-open-bracket and ascii-close-bracket procedures
  - Use HTML superscript markup for R6RS/R7RS

Here's the diff:



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