Version flag status and sample implementation Lassi Kortela (28 Nov 2019 15:40 UTC)
Re: Version flag status and sample implementation Arthur A. Gleckler (28 Nov 2019 16:53 UTC)
Re: Version flag status and sample implementation Shiro Kawai (28 Nov 2019 21:54 UTC)
Version vs release vs revision Lassi Kortela (29 Nov 2019 13:59 UTC)
Environment variables and other alists with string keys Lassi Kortela (03 Dec 2019 15:10 UTC)
Re: Environment variables and other alists with string keys Lassi Kortela (03 Dec 2019 15:31 UTC)

Re: Environment variables and other alists with string keys Lassi Kortela 03 Dec 2019 15:31 UTC

> Those lists could be flattened:
> (environment "TERM=screen" "LANG=en_US.UTF-8")
> (java-system-properties " 64-Bit Server VM")

Or slashes could be used for namespacing:

(env/TERM "screen")
(env/LANG "en_US.UTF-8")
(java-system-properties/ "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM")
(java-system-properties/java.vm.version "12+33")

This seems the best alternative to me:

* Scheme code can just do (assoc 'env/LANG ...) instead of manually
splitting strings at #\= to get the name and value.

* Awk, grep|sed and other regexp tools can work with them like normal

* Don't need to worry about how to merge multiple (env ...) lines into
one alist.