My problem (or, maybe, my upside) is that I do not know enough of Common Lisp. As far as I have understood SRFI 177, we have positional arguments and keyword arguments and both are disjoint.  There is nothing like superfluous keyword arguments.  So superfluous position arguments can get into a rest list argument and this is completely orthogonal to keyword arguments.

Am Di., 3. März 2020 um 15:17 Uhr schrieb John Cowan <>:

On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 7:52 AM Lassi Kortela <> wrote:

I can't even remember how the keyword and rest parameters work together, 

For the record (and I agree that this is too complex), the rest-list in such a situation consists only of the keywords and their arguments along with any additional arguments.  This is because once all required and optional arguments have been found, all remaining arguments *must* be alternating keywords and values.  

The only purpose of the &rest argument is to allow the function to find and process any unknown keyword arguments, if they are permitted for this function.  This is done by specifying &allow-other-keys in the lambda list or by specifying the special keyword :allow-other-keys (which is always permitted) with a true value.  So Marc's `plus` is not definable in CL, or any other Lisp I know of.

Since SRFI-177 does not have any allow-other-keys feature (and rightly so given its goals), there is no need for a rest-list of this form.

You're right - that is a possible implementation strategy. But is
parameterize universal? Bigloo doesn't seem to have it.

Parameterize is itself trivial to implement.  It's the interaction with threads that takes some integration.

Prof. Dr. Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen
Universität Augsburg
Institut für Mathematik
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86159 Augsburg
Tel: 0821/598-2146
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