If we use the syntax of SRFI 177 to write the specification of another SRFI (as opposed to merely using SRFI 177 to implement the other SRFI), that other SRFI will be tied to SRFI 177's syntax, won't it? (Whatever the final syntax of SRFI 177 will be.)

There is a possibility that R7RS-largw will finally allow a superior syntax for keyword arguments (e.g. by "overloading" lambda or by having SRFI 88-like keywords so that we don't need the call/kw macro, etc.). Thus, there would have to be a clear way how to map one keyword system to another one.


Am Do., 5. März 2020 um 21:17 Uhr schrieb Lassi Kortela <xxxxxx@lassi.io>:
>     Please elaborate on the reason. Would we run into problems if we tried
>     to specify a super-minimal contract about what guarantees present and
>     future keyword systems provide to help SRFI writers?
> A SRFI has to be implementable and usable as written.  It has to give
> specimens of procedure calls that will actually work for users, and its
> sample implementation has to be based on procedures and syntax that
> actually exist.  An abstract description is not sufficient.

The contract would give specific guarantees heeded by all keyword
systems, as well as a reference syntax to use in SRFIs and other
specifications. Note that this is different from SRFI 177 which has a
reference _implementation_. The contract would not have one.

> (Below .sig chosen at random from my list; no personal reference intended!)
> That you can cover for the plentiful and often gaping errors, misconstruals
> and disinformation in your posts through sheer volume -- that is another
> misconception.

lol. It's apt. I find that volunteering to be the dumb person in a group
is often the fastest way to get the group to solve a problem. And at the
very least it raises the others' self esteem, which also makes the group
more productive :)

Prof. Dr. Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen
Universität Augsburg
Institut für Mathematik
Universitätsstraße 14
86159 Augsburg
Tel: 0821/598-2146
Fax: 0821/598-2090
E-Mail: xxxxxx@math.uni-augsburg.de
Web: www.math.uni-augsburg.de/alg/mitarbeiter/mnieper/