Keywords reduced Lassi Kortela (18 Oct 2019 15:25 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced John Cowan (18 Oct 2019 20:48 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Lassi Kortela (18 Oct 2019 22:24 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (19 Oct 2019 08:26 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced John Cowan (19 Oct 2019 19:04 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (20 Oct 2019 09:15 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced John Cowan (21 Oct 2019 17:26 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (21 Oct 2019 18:38 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Shiro Kawai (21 Oct 2019 19:27 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (22 Oct 2019 06:04 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Shiro Kawai (22 Oct 2019 10:07 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced John Cowan (22 Oct 2019 19:33 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced John Cowan (22 Oct 2019 19:39 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Lassi Kortela (22 Oct 2019 20:06 UTC)
Syntactic keywords vs parentheses Lassi Kortela (22 Oct 2019 20:30 UTC)
Re: Syntactic keywords vs parentheses John Cowan (22 Oct 2019 20:54 UTC)
Re: Syntactic keywords vs parentheses Lassi Kortela (22 Oct 2019 21:08 UTC)
Re: Syntactic keywords vs parentheses Shiro Kawai (22 Oct 2019 22:24 UTC)
Re: Syntactic keywords vs parentheses Lassi Kortela (23 Oct 2019 07:40 UTC)
Re: Syntactic keywords vs parentheses John Cowan (22 Oct 2019 23:12 UTC)
Re: Syntactic keywords vs parentheses Amirouche Boubekki (25 Oct 2019 11:56 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (23 Oct 2019 07:19 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced John Cowan (21 Oct 2019 23:06 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Shiro Kawai (22 Oct 2019 00:42 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (22 Oct 2019 06:12 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Lassi Kortela (22 Oct 2019 10:56 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Lassi Kortela (20 Oct 2019 09:42 UTC)
Remaining keyword problems Lassi Kortela (29 Oct 2019 17:59 UTC)
allow-other-keys Lassi Kortela (29 Oct 2019 18:29 UTC)
Re: allow-other-keys John Cowan (29 Oct 2019 18:55 UTC)
Re: allow-other-keys Shiro Kawai (29 Oct 2019 19:18 UTC)
Re: allow-other-keys Lassi Kortela (29 Oct 2019 23:04 UTC)
Re: allow-other-keys Marc Feeley (29 Oct 2019 21:05 UTC)
Re: allow-other-keys Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (03 Nov 2019 08:16 UTC)
Re: allow-other-keys Lassi Kortela (03 Nov 2019 10:11 UTC)
Re: allow-other-keys Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (03 Nov 2019 10:34 UTC)
Re: allow-other-keys Lassi Kortela (03 Nov 2019 10:54 UTC)
Re: allow-other-keys Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (03 Nov 2019 11:13 UTC)
Re: allow-other-keys Lassi Kortela (03 Nov 2019 11:39 UTC)
Re: allow-other-keys Arthur A. Gleckler (03 Nov 2019 18:39 UTC)
Re: allow-other-keys Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (03 Nov 2019 18:48 UTC)
Re: allow-other-keys John Cowan (03 Nov 2019 19:20 UTC)
Re: allow-other-keys John Cowan (03 Nov 2019 19:18 UTC)
Re: allow-other-keys Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (03 Nov 2019 19:52 UTC)
Re: allow-other-keys John Cowan (03 Nov 2019 22:19 UTC)
Identifier syntax and the range of Schemes to support Lassi Kortela (03 Nov 2019 19:54 UTC)
Re: Remaining keyword problems John Cowan (29 Oct 2019 19:51 UTC)
Re: Remaining keyword problems Lassi Kortela (29 Oct 2019 21:09 UTC)
Alternative syntax using colon symbols for portable keywords Lassi Kortela (29 Oct 2019 22:29 UTC)
Re: Remaining keyword problems Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Nov 2019 14:56 UTC)
Re: Remaining keyword problems Lassi Kortela (11 Nov 2019 16:15 UTC)
Re: Remaining keyword problems Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Nov 2019 14:44 UTC)
Re: Remaining keyword problems John Cowan (11 Nov 2019 16:48 UTC)
Re: Remaining keyword problems Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Nov 2019 17:06 UTC)
Re: Remaining keyword problems John Cowan (11 Nov 2019 17:15 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Shiro Kawai (19 Oct 2019 09:25 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Lassi Kortela (19 Oct 2019 09:38 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (19 Oct 2019 12:22 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Shiro Kawai (19 Oct 2019 18:43 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (20 Oct 2019 08:39 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Lassi Kortela (20 Oct 2019 09:28 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Shiro Kawai (20 Oct 2019 10:12 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Shiro Kawai (20 Oct 2019 10:17 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Lassi Kortela (20 Oct 2019 10:23 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Shiro Kawai (20 Oct 2019 10:42 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (20 Oct 2019 21:10 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Shiro Kawai (20 Oct 2019 21:19 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (20 Oct 2019 21:33 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Shiro Kawai (20 Oct 2019 22:05 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (21 Oct 2019 07:01 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Shiro Kawai (20 Oct 2019 22:18 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (21 Oct 2019 07:06 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Shiro Kawai (21 Oct 2019 07:25 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (20 Oct 2019 21:04 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Shiro Kawai (20 Oct 2019 21:41 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (21 Oct 2019 06:50 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Shiro Kawai (21 Oct 2019 07:53 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (21 Oct 2019 11:47 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Peter Kourzanov (21 Oct 2019 15:42 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (21 Oct 2019 15:55 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Shiro Kawai (21 Oct 2019 17:38 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced John Cowan (21 Oct 2019 17:45 UTC)
Re: Keywords reduced Lassi Kortela (22 Oct 2019 08:21 UTC)
Keywords vs paremeters for hygiene Lassi Kortela (21 Oct 2019 08:05 UTC)
Re: Keywords vs paremeters for hygiene Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (21 Oct 2019 11:23 UTC)

Re: Keywords reduced Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen 21 Oct 2019 15:54 UTC

Thanks for chiming in!

Am Mo., 21. Okt. 2019 um 17:42 Uhr schrieb Peter Kourzanov
> Hi,
> In the case of 'map' passing some arguments to 'f', what's the problem in defining both hygienically as importable/exportable syntax-rules as such?

Earlier, I suggested that "procedures" taking keyword arguments should
be macros. This comes at the cost of these "procedures" not being
first-class (you cannot pass them around), but has the great benefit
that there won't be any run-time overhead.

I still believe that there are not enough compelling reasons for
first-class procedures taking keyword arguments that outweigh the
simplicity and efficiency of the macro solution, but others on this
list have a different opinion about that.

> (def-syntax [map f ls . params]
>   (let-syntax-rule ([K reverse: rev count: cnt . rest-keylist]
>   (map (λ (x) (begin (set! cnt (+1 cnt)) (f x . rest-keylist))) ls reverse: rev)
>   )
>  (comb (reverse:  #f count: *count*)
>     (K) . params)
>    ))
> ;; I took the liberty here of using some short-hands I normally use with syntax-rules
> (map fun lst count: cnt foo: 42 reverse: #t)
> => (map (λ (x) (begin (set! cnt (+1 cnt)) (fun x foo: 42))) lst reverse: #t)
> Where 'comb' is a suitably defined macro that sorts the list of key-value pairs given to it from the 3rd argument, according to the manifest specified as the 1st argument (so, reverse: shall be the first argument pair to the macro-continuation, 'K' and count: shall be the 2nd argument, mapped to the arguments of 'map' according to the body of 'K').  If the keyword arguments are not given, then the defaults from the manifest shall be used. Mandatory arguments would then be consumed at the top-level 'map' macro, while the rest 'params' would undergo this sorting.
> All the unrecognised arguments would go into the rest-keylist, passed down to a similarly-defined macro for 'f' (I also took the liberty to addiing a counting feature here:-). This would work with no overhead (keywords are just syntax, arguments remain 100% positional) as long as 'f' is statically known as such keyword-handling macro as well.
> So the macro interface as above would completely specify the keyword-handling behaviour, at no run-time costs, and can therefore be exported, imported etc. hygienically. One would only need to annotate the higher-order arguments with expected keyword macro interface declaration.
> Kind regards,
> Peter
> On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 1:47 PM Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen <> wrote:
>> Am Mo., 21. Okt. 2019 um 09:53 Uhr schrieb Shiro Kawai <>:
>> >
>> > On Sun, Oct 20, 2019 at 8:50 PM Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> If, say, `f', `f1', `f2', and `g' all intend to implement the same
>> >> `test:' protocol, then it makes sense for their respective libraries
>> >> to import the same `test:' identifier from a common library. Passing
>> >> down any value through such a `test:' argument by, say, `g', makes
>> >> only sense if the callee understands this particular type of value. In
>> >> other words, they have to cooperate beforehand anyway.
>> >>
>> >
>> > They should in the ideal world, but I'm highly skeptical that it will work in practice.
>> >
>> > Because when one start writing library for 'f1', he can't foresee which keyword arguments
>> > would be shared with future libraries, nor is able to know if there's someone developing
>> > independent library that uses the same keyword with the same purpose.  The same applies
>> > to 'f2'.  And they may not care each other's library---their interest isn't there.
>> >
>> > It's only the user who cares compatibility of f1 and f2.  Would the user ask the author
>> > of f1 and f2 to change their code to import the same binding?  But which library should
>> > they import from?  You don't want to introduce extra dependency, which means extra burden
>> > of mentenance, just to make a particular user happy.
>> >
>> > Or, suppose there's a huge library that provides 'f1' and keyword bindings.
>> > You write an independent library 'f2', but knows the meaning of 'f1's keyword argument and
>> > want to implement the same protocol.  But you don't want to depend on the entire 'f1' library
>> > just to share one keyword binding.  Would you ask the author of 'f1' to split their keyword bindings
>> > to a separate library?  It's not only just an extra libary, but they should also split the distribution
>> > package for them, since if a dependency tool tries to fetch the (f1 keyword) library you
>> > don't want it to pull entire f1 library.
>> >
>> > And then, the maintainer of f1 library decided to create an entire new version and changed
>> > the keyword name, and decided to drop support of old version.  You, on the other hand, need to
>> > want to keep old keyword name for your users.  You and the f1 author should coopetate
>> > and move the binding of original keyword from (f1 keyword) package to your f2 package.
>> >
>> > Oh wait, there's another f3 package that also depended on (f1 keyword) package, and they
>> > want to do the same!  Now you have to talk to f3 package author, to create a new common
>> > library to be used by f2 and f3 libarries.
>> >
>> > Nowadays, your software can depend on tens or even more than hundred of libraries, all of
>> > them evolves mostly independently.  I don't think it is feasible to create a common library
>> > for common meaning of each keywords.
>> >
>> > One can argue that, if you want to share interface, you should import from the same libary---
>> > but when people talk about such interface, it is a whole interface---procedure signature or
>> > common slots.  Each keyword is just a piece of it.  However, using hygiene to solve
>> > the problem, you have to keep your eye on every pieces, not on the interface as a whole.
>> > That makes the mentenance far more difficult.
>> While I understand your points that it is hard to develop a stable
>> interface independently, I don't see how this is an argument against
>> the possibility of hygienic keywords: With only non-hygienic keywords,
>> it just gets harder and one has no chance to rename identifiers when
>> libraries step on each other's toes.
>> On the other hand, if `f1'. `f2', and `f3' are developed by the same
>> authors, hygiene will be useful. Or, a library, say `f0', exporting
>> the keyword and on which `f1', `f2', and `f3' are based, can come from
>> a future SRFI.
>> But let me try to give a better example than the `test:' example.
>> Consider a version of `map' that takes a keyword argument `reverse:'.
>> When true, the resulting list will be reversed. Furthermore, `map'
>> shall take optional keyword arguments that are opaque to `map' and
>> passed down to the procedure called by `map'.
>> For example:
>> (map f ls reverse: #t foo: 42)
>> Here, `f' shall be called with the list item and the keyword argument
>> `foo:' bound to `42'. However, how can `map' whether to pass down a
>> keyword argument `reverse:' to `foo:' or whether to change its own
>> behavior?
>> If at least `reverse:' is hygienic, the problem is far less urgent.
>> -- Marc
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >>
>> >> What hygiene allows is to have two different, independently created
>> >> test protocols in the same program. This won't be possible if `test:'
>> >> is a mere identifier.
>> >>
>> >> Anyway, I have also proposed on this list to allow other types than
>> >> identifiers as markers for keyword arguments. Only when you want
>> >> hygiene, you would use an identifier. Otherwise, you would use, say, a
>> >> keyword object as in SRFI 88. Macro writers can do the same.
>> >>
>> >> >
>> >> > That's why I'm claiming keyword arguments isn't much about identifiers but just an extension
>> >> > of ordinary arguments.  For positional parameters, the semantics of the first parameter differs
>> >> > completely among procedures, but we don't think it's conflating the protocol.  It is ok that the first
>> >> > argument of procedure f and the first argument of procedure g has completely different meanings,
>> >> > and it's callers responsibility to pass appropriate one.  If g takes a procedure that takes filename
>> >> > as the first argument, then it's caller's responsibility to pass such procedure to g.
>> >> > The same applies to keyword argument.  If g takes a procedure that takes logger: argument of
>> >> > a specific type of object, then it's caller's responsibility to pass such procedure.
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> Keyword arguments could/would make it possible to treat some procedure
>> >> arguments in a uniform way. For position arguments, this is only
>> >> possible when we do whole-program transformations (see my CPS example
>> >> from somewhere above).
>> >>
>> >> Marc

Prof. Dr. Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen

Universität Augsburg
Institut für Mathematik
Universitätsstraße 14
86159 Augsburg

Tel: 0821/598-2146
Fax: 0821/598-2090
