Writing an essay to summarize the keyword args situation Lassi Kortela (15 Mar 2020 10:31 UTC)
Re: Writing an essay to summarize the keyword args situation Lassi Kortela (15 Mar 2020 16:11 UTC)
Re: Writing an essay to summarize the keyword args situation Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (15 Mar 2020 16:23 UTC)
Re: Writing an essay to summarize the keyword args situation Lassi Kortela (15 Mar 2020 16:37 UTC)
Re: Writing an essay to summarize the keyword args situation Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (15 Mar 2020 18:38 UTC)

Re: Writing an essay to summarize the keyword args situation Lassi Kortela 15 Mar 2020 16:37 UTC

> Could you briefly describe what you mean by hygiene or what you would
> like to have explained?

Thanks for asking :)

Basically everything we've covered so far... at least:

- The problems with the hack of parsing specially-named symbols as
keywords (e.g. doing symbol->string to figure out that :foo stands for
the keyword "foo").

- What keyword argument semantics / syntax are within the realm of
possibility for R7RS-large. (Or what options are easy/likely, what are

- Which keyword call / define-keyword syntaxes would play along best
with hygienic keyword arguments, and which would cause problems.

- How to define hygienic keyword arguments in libraries so exporting
them to other libraries doesn't confuse newbies.

- How allow-other-keys is currently implemented in some Lisps/Schemes,
and how it could be done differently.

Lots of stuff, but we can write collaboratively to lighten the load.

This document could inform the R7RS-large decision-making process as well.