SRFI 177 bis proposal John Cowan (08 Aug 2021 03:26 UTC)
Re: SRFI 177 bis proposal Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (09 Aug 2021 14:31 UTC)
Re: SRFI 177 bis proposal John Cowan (09 Aug 2021 18:53 UTC)
Colon syntax Lassi Kortela (09 Aug 2021 19:10 UTC)
Re: Colon syntax Alex Shinn (10 Aug 2021 00:33 UTC)
Re: Colon syntax Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (10 Aug 2021 04:46 UTC)

Colon syntax Lassi Kortela 09 Aug 2021 19:10 UTC

I too strongly prefer the prefix : for uniformity with other Lisp
dialects. At least CL, Emacs Lisp, Clojure, and Hy all have it. Lisp is
also a prefix language, so a prefix syntax is consistent with the rest.

I'm not aware of any language that uses -> or . or something like that
for keywords. Smalltalk uses postfix : but it's an infix language.