belated feedback Alex Shinn (16 Apr 2021 15:00 UTC)
Re: belated feedback Bradley Lucier (16 Apr 2021 17:08 UTC)
Re: belated feedback John Cowan (16 Apr 2021 18:25 UTC)
Re: belated feedback Bradley Lucier (17 Apr 2021 21:48 UTC)
Re: belated feedback Alex Shinn (18 Apr 2021 23:45 UTC)
Re: belated feedback Bradley Lucier (16 Apr 2021 23:46 UTC)
Re: belated feedback Alex Shinn (17 Apr 2021 00:03 UTC)
Re: belated feedback Bradley Lucier (17 Apr 2021 01:10 UTC)
Re: belated feedback Alex Shinn (17 Apr 2021 01:22 UTC)
Re: belated feedback Alex Shinn (30 Apr 2021 05:41 UTC)
Re: belated feedback Bradley Lucier (30 Apr 2021 14:17 UTC)
Re: belated feedback John Cowan (30 Apr 2021 15:04 UTC)
Re: belated feedback Bradley Lucier (30 Apr 2021 16:42 UTC)
Re: belated feedback Alex Shinn (01 May 2021 09:27 UTC)
array-elements-in-order? (Was: belated feedback) Bradley Lucier (16 Jan 2022 19:08 UTC)

Re: belated feedback Bradley Lucier 16 Apr 2021 23:46 UTC

Dear Alex:

Your routine

(define (specialized-array-share array new-domain project)
   (assert (specialized-array? array) (interval? new-domain))
   (let ((body (array-body array))
         (indexer (lambda multi-index
                        (lambda () (apply project multi-index))
                      (array-indexer array))))
         (storage (array-storage-class array)))
      (specialized-getter body indexer (storage-class-getter storage))
      (specialized-setter body indexer (storage-class-setter storage))
      (array-safe? array))))

does not take into account the affine structure of either project or
(array-indexer array) to simplify the indexer of the result array as in
the procedure (array/optimize-linear-function f d) in Bawden's original
newsgroup post

I thought to look more carefully after I installed the git version of
chibi myself to try the example in my previous email and everything worked:

heine:~/programs/chibi-scheme> /usr/local/chibi/bin/chibi-scheme
 > (import (srfi 179))
 > (define A (array-copy (make-array (make-interval '#(3 4)) list)))
 > (define B (array-sample A '#(2 1))) >
 > (define (array-display A)

   (define (display-item x)
     (display x) (display "\t"))

   (case (array-dimension A)
     ((1) (array-for-each display-item A) (newline))
     ((2) (array-for-each (lambda (row)
                            (array-for-each display-item row)
                          (array-curry A 1)))
      (error "array-display can't handle > 2 dimensions: " A))))
 > (array-display (specialized-array-reshape B (make-interval '#(8))))

(0 0)	(0 1)	(0 2)	(0 3)	(0 0)	(0 1)	(0 2)	(0 3)
 > (array-sample (specialized-array-reshape B (make-interval '#(8))) '#(3))
#<Array 139698477832576>
 > (array-display (array-sample (specialized-array-reshape B
(make-interval '#(8))) '#(3)))

(0 0)	(0 3)	(0 2)
 > (array-body B)
#((0 0) (0 1) (0 2) (0 3) (1 0) (1 1) (1 2) (1 3) (2 0) (2 1) (2 2) (2 3))
 > (array-display A)

(0 0)	(0 1)	(0 2)	(0 3)
(1 0)	(1 1)	(1 2)	(1 3)
(2 0)	(2 1)	(2 2)	(2 3)
 > (array-display B)

(0 0)	(0 1)	(0 2)	(0 3)
(2 0)	(2 1)	(2 2)	(2 3)
 > (specialized-array? (array-sample (specialized-array-reshape B
(make-interval '#(8))) '#(3)))

I think implicit in the text of this SRFI is that the indexer of a
specialized array should take time bounded independent of the number of
Bawden-style transformations that have been applied to it.  In the SRFI
document there are the following two statements:
Second, because the composition of any number of affine mappings is
again affine, accessing or changing the elements of a restricted,
translated, curried, permuted array is no slower than accessing or
changing the elements of the original array itself.
where those operations are applied in order to the same array, and
Note: It is assumed that the affine structure of the composition of
new-domain->old-domain and (array-indexer array) will be used to simplify:

   (lambda multi-index
         (lambda ()
           (apply new-domain->old-domain multi-index))
       (array-indexer array)))

I think using your definition of specialized-array-reshape in the sample
implementation, while leaving everything else the same, would cause
 > (array-display (array-sample (specialized-array-reshape B
(make-interval '#(8))) '#(3)))

(0 0)	(0 3)	(0 2)	=========================================================
from the above example to fail.

I don't know whether more explicit language is needed in the SRFI
document to guide implementors.
