Re: Following up on SRFI 179
Bradley Lucier 05 Oct 2021 19:54 UTC
On 9/24/21 3:24 PM, John Cowan wrote:
> 1) Add a note near the top saying that array-map is how you do matrix
> addition, Hadamard multiplication, and other elementwise operations.
> People I show 179 to are always surprised that these are "missing".
> 2) Add the word "transpose" and/or "transposition" to the explanation of
> array-permute; people who deal with matrices will think of a permutation
> matrix rather than a transpose operator.
OK, John, I added a new section of "Informal remarks" in my new draft
that I believe fulfills the spirit of your comments. It's right near
the top of
I also removed the phrase "by exploiting the algebraic structure of
affine one-to-one mappings on multi-indices" from the Rationale. That
probably helps, too.