SRFI 182: ADBMAL, ALET, and ALET* Arthur A. Gleckler (23 Feb 2020 00:16 UTC)
Re: SRFI 182: ADBMAL, ALET, and ALET* Jim Rees (09 Mar 2020 16:43 UTC)
Re: SRFI 182: ADBMAL, ALET, and ALET* Joo ChurlSoo (10 Mar 2020 05:12 UTC)

Re: SRFI 182: ADBMAL, ALET, and ALET* Joo ChurlSoo 10 Mar 2020 05:12 UTC

 * From: Jim Rees <>
 * Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:42:56 -0400
 * Subj: Re: SRFI 182: ADBMAL, ALET, and ALET*

 | The proceed adbmal* seems like an interesting alternative to values for some situations.
 | But the syntactic versions don't add anything except disadvantages -- they delay evaluation
 | (possibly to a different dynamic extent), and they do not memoize their results, so multiple calls
 | could produce different values and could produce multiple side effects.   Consider the following
 | to remove these issues.

  (adbmal expr ...) ==> (let ((tmp expr) ...) (lambda (f) (f tmp ...)))

 | (where (tmp ...) are generated temporary ids).

 | The advantage this has over adbmal* is that it avoids cons'ing up arguments into a list and
 | needing to call apply on f.

For example:
(define x 1)
(define y 2)
(define a (adbmal x y))
(define a* (adbmal* x y))
(define v (values x y))		error:racket
(define v* (lambda () (values x y)))
(define listxy (lambda (x y) (list x y)))

(a listxy)        	       	= (1 2)
(a* listxy)      	      	= (1 2)
(call-with-values v listxy)  	error
(call-with-values v* listxy)    = (1 2)
(receive (x y) v (list x y))	error or (1 2):gambit
(receive (x y) v* (list x y))	error
(receive (x y) (v*) (list x y)) = (1 2)

(set! x 10)
(set! y 20)
(a listxy)	       	       	= (10 20)
(a* listxy)      	      	= (1 2)
(call-with-values v* listxy)    = (10 20)
(receive (x y) (v*) (list x y)) = (10 20)
(receive (x y) v (list x y))	error or (1 2):gambit

I don't know anything more than this.

 | alet is interesting -- I see it having potential to be CL's destructuring-bind with added support
 | for multi-valued expressions.   Did you consider arbitrary recursion to the bindings?

     (alet (((a (values b ((adbmal c . d) . e))) expr)) ...)

 | How about destructuring vector expressions too?

I'm not interested in that yet.

 | Semantic consistency issues I have with alet:

 | Rules 1 and 2-1 mean that:

      (foo 'bar) ==> simple binding
      (foo bar '(1 2)) ==> de-structuring ???

> (alet ((foo 'bar)) foo)
> (alet ((foo bar '(1 2))) (list foo bar))
'(1 2)

 | 3-1/5-1:
      ((foo bar) (iota 2)) ==> destructuring
      ((foo bar) (iota 3)) ==> destructuring, runtime error -- too many values
      ((foo) (iota 2)) ==> single-variable binding, no destructuring, not an error!   ???

> (alet ((foo bar) (iota 2)) (list foo iota))
; bar: undefined;
> (let ((bar 'bar))
   (alet ((foo bar) (iota 2)) (list foo iota)))
'(bar 2)

> (alet (((foo) (iota 2))) foo)
'(0 1)
> (alet ((foo (iota 2))) foo)
'(0 1)
> (alet ((foo) (iota 2)) (list foo iota))
'(#<continuation> 2)
See example 5.

 | 4-1/5-2:
      ((foo . bar) (iota 2)) ==> destructuring
      ((foo . bar) (iota 2) "hello") ==> foo bound to (0 1) , bar bound to ("hello")    ???

> (alet ((foo . bar) (iota 2)) (list foo bar iota))
'(#<procedure:t> #<procedure:t> 2)
See example 4.
> (alet ((foo . bar) (iota 2) "hello") (list foo bar iota))
lambda: not an identifier at: "hello"

 | These examples are non-intuitive.   The 2-1 rule should just go away, in my opinion.  The
 | second two can be easily remedied by changing 5-1/5-2 to instead be specializations on
 | 3-1/4-1:

 | * 5-1. ((<var1> <var2> ...) (list <expr1> <expr2> ...))

 ((lambda (<var1> <var2> ...) body) <expr1> <expr2> ...)

 5-2. ((<var1> <var2> ... . <varn>) (list <expr1> <expr2> <expr3> ...))
 | ==> ((lambda (<var1> <var2> ... <varn>) body) <expr1> <expr2> ... (list <exprn> ...))

 | So, we require the caller to use the list keyword on the right hand size, but lose no performance
 | with an unnecessary call to list.   3-1 needs to be changed to permit as few as one variable
 | also.

 | For completeness, rule 3-1 could be changed to permit zero variables.   That may seem useless
 | by a user, but if alet calls are generated by other macros, it may be convenient to permit the
 | most general situations.

 | On Sat, Feb 22, 2020 at 7:16 PM Arthur A. Gleckler <> wrote:

What's wrong? I don't know.


Joo ChurlSoo