Joo ChurlSoo 11 Mar 2020 23:50 UTC
* From: Marc Feeley <>
* Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2020 10:01:35 -0400
* Subj: Re: SRFI 182: ADBMAL, ALET, and ALET*
>> On Mar 11, 2020, at 12:52 AM, Joo ChurlSoo <> wrote:
>> | For example:
>> | (define x 1)
>> | (define y 2)
>> | (define a (adbmal x y))
>> | (define a* (adbmal* x y))
>> | (define v (values x y)) error:racket
>> | (define v* (lambda () (values x y)))
>> | (define listxy (lambda (x y) (list x y)))
>> | (a listxy) = (1 2)
>> | (a* listxy) = (1 2)
>> | (call-with-values v listxy) error
>> | (call-with-values v* listxy) = (1 2)
>> | (receive (x y) v (list x y)) error or (1 2):gambit
>> | (receive (x y) v* (list x y)) error
>> | (receive (x y) (v*) (list x y)) = (1 2)
>> | (set! x 10)
>> | (set! y 20)
>> | (a listxy) = (10 20)
>> | (a* listxy) = (1 2)
>> | (call-with-values v* listxy) = (10 20)
>> | (receive (x y) (v*) (list x y)) = (10 20)
>> | (receive (x y) v (list x y)) error or (1 2):gambit
>> By the way, which do you think is correct, racket or gambit?
| Actually both…
I also think so.
In fact, there is one more group besides the two groups.
And from a perspective of consistency, all three groups would be correct.
1. (define v (values x y))
2. (receive (x y) v (list x y))
Group A. 1: error, 2: error
Group B. 1: pass, 2: pass
Group C. 1: pass, 2: error
Group A: Needless to say, consistency is maintained.
Group B: Consistency is maintained, because `v' is included in lambda in almost
all cases. And most of all, this group has a responsible attitude for
their actions.
Group C: It may not be understood in some ways, but it is understood to be for
Joo ChurlSoo