using a character as argument to string-append!/string-append-linear! Per Bothner (16 Apr 2020 16:12 UTC)

using a character as argument to string-append!/string-append-linear! Per Bothner 16 Apr 2020 16:12 UTC

SRFI-118 allows non-initial arguments to be either a character or a string.
That doesn't appear to be the case for SRFI-185.
However, the translate-space-to-newline example includes the line:
    (string-append! result #\newline)
which appends a characters.

So either fix the example or (better) adjust the specification to match SRFI-118:
Having to explicitly convert a character to a string is simple, but less efficient
(unless optimized away), more verbose, and less convenient.
	--Per Bothner