Am Do., 18. Juni 2020 um 15:22 Uhr schrieb Alex Shinn <>:
> The point is, relying on fast case-lambda is unreliable. It will in fact
> make code slower in many implementations. On the other hand,
That's a problem that can only be cured by these implementations.
Besides lambda, case-lambda is the only form defined in the R7RS that
creates procedures and for procedures taking one optional argument, a
simple R7RS way to implement them is to use case-lambda. So
case-lambda *is* being used (as it is also shown by many SRFI
The alternative, rest argument parsing, is also usually less
performant for Schemes that do not have a slow case-lambda. Moreover,
rest argument parsing works even less with the ideas of SRFI 191.
Regardless of what we are discussing here, a faster case-lambda
implementation for Chibi would certainly be helpful (regardless of
whether the author of Chibi is fond of case-lambda :)).