Re: Future directions of the nest macro
Marc Nieper-WiÃkirchen 02 Sep 2020 07:11 UTC
Am Di., 1. Sept. 2020 um 19:39 Uhr schrieb Adam Nelson <>:
> There seems to be a 50/50 split for/against this change, since Linus and
> John were in favor of including `nest` in my original thread about it.
Linus was initially mentioning a similar macro he had written that
does non-shallow substitution, so he might be in favor of a nest that
doesn't stop at the first level.
> I'd still prefer to keep it, and I don't find the possibility of an
> alternate `nest-deep` implementation a compelling reason to reconsider
> it; that style of `nest` macro seems like an extremely niche use case.
Why would nesting in a let-init expression, for example, be more
niche? Or in a case-lambda body? Or in the following example
(lambda () ...)
(lambda ()
where I want to replace the actual body.
PS The chain macro itself is also, in the same sense, not fully
satisfying because "_" is also only replaced at the top-level. But in
conjunction with rest arguments "_ ..." is makes sense.