Re: SRFI 198 Foreign Interface Errors: abusing alists for fun and non-profit elf (25 Jul 2020 18:13 UTC)
Interaction of gettext and SRFI 198's localization feature Lassi Kortela (26 Jul 2020 21:21 UTC)

Re: SRFI 198 Foreign Interface Errors: abusing alists for fun and non-profit elf 25 Jul 2020 18:12 UTC

Pardon me if this is stupid, or if i missed part of the conversation...
but since when are error messages the only things needing localisation?

Wouldn't the simplest interface be something along the lines of
(foreign-message:localised <type/id/whatever>)

You could expand this into two fields of
(foreign-message:localised <type> <id>)
where <type> could be 'error, 'info, etc and <id> could refer to the
specific message being fetched - basically making life easier by
namespaces - unless i missed something earlier.


On 25/07/2020 20:53, wrote:
>> From: John Cowan < <>>
>> Date: Saturday, July 25, 2020 12:29 PM
>> On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 6:38 PM Lassi Kortela <
>> <>> wrote:
> I'm swapping the order of the discussion, this was the last bit:
>>     I'm coming from the expectation that the APIs from which we can
>>     get error message translations are as many and varied as the error
>>     messages themselves. In this world, the code that gets the error
>>     from C is best equipped to figure out where to get its
>>     translations (if any). Maybe it will use gettext, maybe it has to
>>     use something else.
>> +1
> Since this is an API for */foreign/* interfaces, we can't know now what
> facilities the foreign systems might have for localization.  We must
> provide our own for those who want to localize an interface to a system
> without localization, and have some standard method to access the
> messages of a system with localization.
> For those creating//an error-set collection, make-foreign-error could be
> handed an alist, keys are locale, values are the message, or based on
> your thoughts below, a procedure to fetch one based on the optional
> locale argument and the particular error, the latter data naturally
> being in the foreign-error:code slot, like (number . 2) for the errno
> error-set.
>>     I probably misunderstood some aspect of your argument. Are you
>>     envisaging a world in which gettext() is the only C-side
>>     translation API, and all error message translations come from
>>     gettext catalogs? In that case your suggestion would indeed make a
>>     lot of sense.
>> I was, yes.  But I see now that that is inadequate.
>> How about the simplest thing etc.?  I think that would be on extra
>> procedure (foreign-error:localized-message error-object
>> locale-string), which does whatever's needed to fetch a localized
>> version of the error message and returns it (or the original if it
>> doesn't have anything else)?  Of course the locale-string could just
>> be an optional argument to foreign-error:message instead, in which
>> case #f would mean "always use the original".
> The latter was Lassi's original design for the API in
>> (foreign-error:message ferr [locale]) → string
>> (foreign-error:locales ferr) → list of symbols
> It strikes me as very simple and straightforward, vs. a
> foreign-error:localized-message procedure like the one you initially
> posit above.
> - Harold