What to do for bad arguments to foreign-status-plist? hga@xxxxxx (10 Aug 2020 15:10 UTC)
Re: What to do for bad arguments to foreign-status-plist? Lassi Kortela (10 Aug 2020 15:14 UTC)
Re: What to do for bad arguments to foreign-status-plist? Lassi Kortela (10 Aug 2020 15:38 UTC)
Re: What to do for bad arguments to foreign-status-plist? Lassi Kortela (14 Aug 2020 13:31 UTC)
Promise objects Lassi Kortela (14 Aug 2020 13:46 UTC)
Re: Promise objects Lassi Kortela (14 Aug 2020 14:04 UTC)

Promise objects Lassi Kortela 14 Aug 2020 13:46 UTC

>> I still haven't seen a use case for smarts except localization,
> In any case, we can delay getting any expensive (in time and/or space)
> information about the error this way.

We could use promise objects for this. R5RS, R6RS, and R7RS all have
`delay` and `force`.

However, promises are not required to be disjoint type. R7RS gives a
`promise?` predicate but R5RS and R6RS don't.

It would be so nice to have:


(define (disp . xs) (for-each display xs) (newline))

(define (plist-value-pair plist property)
   (cond ((not (and (pair? plist) (pair? (cdr plist))))
         ((eq? property (car plist))
          (cdr plist))
          (plist-value-pair (cddr plist) property))))


(define-record-type foreign-status
   (%make-foreign-status plist)
   (plist %foreign-status-plist))

(define (make-foreign-status . plist) (%make-foreign-status plist))

(define (foreign-status-ref st property)
   (let ((pair (plist-value-pair (%foreign-status-plist st) property)))
     (and pair
          (begin (if (promise? (car pair))
                     (set-car! pair (force (car pair))))
                 (car pair)))))


(define-syntax pp
   (syntax-rules ()
     ((_ x) (begin (write 'x) (display " => ") (write x) (newline)))))

(let ((st (make-foreign-status 'code 4 'message (delay "Hello world"))))
   (pp (foreign-status-ref st 'code))
   (pp (foreign-status-ref st 'message)))


(foreign-status-ref st 'code) => 4
(foreign-status-ref st 'message) => "Hello world"