Re: Errata for SRFI 2: AND-LET*: an AND with local bindings, a guarded LET* special form Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen 09 Jun 2020 06:03 UTC

Arthur. Oleg, thank you very much!

Am Di., 9. Juni 2020 um 04:04 Uhr schrieb Arthur A. Gleckler
> I've just published fixes for errata for SRFI 2. They have been approved by the author, Oleg Kiselyov, so I have incorporated them into the public document and added a note to the Status section.
> Fixed: Variables bound by AND-LET* needn't be unique. This requirement was based on the mistaken impression that LET* imposed that requirement, which it doesn't. Also, updated link to sample implementation to point tof a more recent version by Oleg.
> Here's the diff:
> Thanks to Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen for reporting this error and to Oleg Kiselyov for responding so quickly and positively to the suggestion, even providing links to a better sample implementation.
> Regards,
> SRFI Editor