The importance of stable names and referents John Cowan (30 Jun 2020 21:59 UTC)
Re: The importance of stable names and referents Panicz Maciej Godek (01 Jul 2020 10:37 UTC)
Re: The importance of stable names and referents Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (01 Jul 2020 10:51 UTC)

Re: The importance of stable names and referents Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen 01 Jul 2020 10:51 UTC

Am Mi., 1. Juli 2020 um 12:37 Uhr schrieb Panicz Maciej Godek

>> There are issues on R7RS systems with a macro that expands into a different macro of the same name (imported from a different library), and not all R6RS implementations avoid this problem either even though they are supposed to do so.
>  I don't really know if I can solve this.

This should be fixed by the implementers of those systems.