Technically, you cannot curry (which should probably be called
"schönfinkeln"; see in Haskell because
all Haskell functions take only a single element. (This is true at
least unless product types are involved.) So I agree with Panicz that
the two Haskell forms are equivalent an no currying is going on.
For a programming language like Scheme, the notion makes sense, though.
Mathematically, it is just the adjunction going from Hom(X x Y, Z) to
Hom(X, Z^Y).
Am Mi., 1. Juli 2020 um 11:21 Uhr schrieb Panicz Maciej Godek
> śr., 1.07.2020, 00:16 użytkownik John Cowan <> napisał:
>> What you call currying define is not genuine currying, though it is extremely useful.
> To be fair, all instances of the word 'curried' are in question marks, and the document does contain the following explanation:
> This feature, sometimes incorrectly called "currying" [...]
> On the other hand, a lot of things here depend on a point of view. If we consider Lisp functions to receive multiple arguments, then indeed this is not currying. However, if we consider them to receive a single argument that is a list, then I think that saying that it is explicitly parenthesized currying is non-controversial.
> I believe that e.g. Haskell's
> f x y = v
> is equivalent to
> ((f x) y) = v
> That is, both forms are equuvalent. (And both are curried)
>> There is, however, a proposal for an adaptation of genuine currying: in this case, lambda invocation with too few arguments returns a procedure representing partial evaluation, whereas lambda invocation with too many arguments invokes the lambda with just enough arguments and then invokes the result (which must be a procedure) with the remaining arguments.
>> See <>, which also links to Hemann's paper.
> I have been doing similar experiments
> But in my experience, rather than increasing language's expressivity, it mostly adds confusion to the code base.