Re: What is/are the shortcomings of the current implementation?
Marc Nieper-WiÃkirchen 14 Oct 2020 11:06 UTC
Am Mi., 14. Okt. 2020 um 12:59 Uhr schrieb Felix Thibault
> I noticed this statement:
> "In principle, there can be a fully conforming R6RS implementation but
> that would be implementation-specific like the fully conforming R7RS
> implementation in Unsyntax."
> here:
> and I was wondering how the current implementation doesn't conform. Is that the not-implemented error if you (import (srfi 206)) or is it referring to something else?
And if you do (import (only (srfi 206 all) i-wasnt-predefined)), you
will also get an error.
PS Could you test Unsyntax with your codebase?