Re: A few possible errata
Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe 06 Aug 2022 14:11 UTC
On 2022-08-05 18:51 -0400, John Cowan wrote:
> > - enum-set-indexer : The srfi text says "..., if the symbol is the name of
> > an enum in enum-set, then the ordinal of that enum is returned. Otherwise,
> > #f is returned." However, the reference implementation and tests doesn't
> > check if the name is in the given set; it is enough that the named enum is
> > in the enum type of the set. R6RS agrees with the reference implementation.
> Since this is for R6RS compatibility only, the definition should agree with
> R6RS.
How's this?
"Returns a procedure that accepts one argument, a symbol. When this
procedure is called, if the symbol is the name of an enum in *the
enum type associated with* enum-set, then the ordinal of that enum
is returned. Otherwise, #f is returned."
Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe <>