A few questions Vladimir Nikishkin (28 Sep 2020 01:56 UTC)
Re: A few questions Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (28 Sep 2020 07:29 UTC)
Re: A few questions Adam Nelson (28 Sep 2020 18:38 UTC)
Re: A few questions Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (28 Sep 2020 18:46 UTC)
Re: A few questions Alex Shinn (30 Sep 2020 00:45 UTC)
Re: A few questions Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (30 Sep 2020 06:30 UTC)
Re: A few questions John Cowan (28 Sep 2020 19:23 UTC)
Re: A few questions Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (28 Sep 2020 19:53 UTC)

A few questions Vladimir Nikishkin 28 Sep 2020 01:56 UTC

Thank you for your job!

I just had a few questions about this srfi.

1)If its main aim is to define standard library names, would it not be
worth including (srfi 211 defmacro) for legacy macros, and (srfi 211
syntax-rules) for the r7rs macros?

The first could provide a helpful error message urging users to update
their code on systems that do not want to support defmacro, and the
second one would be a no-op on r7rs systems, and would actually
provide syntax-rules on the non-r7rs systems.

2)There are no procedures or syntax doing any sort of macro expansion.
Almost all implementations, however, do provide some form of
macroexpand, macroexpand-1, macroxpand:eval.
SLIB lists those for almost every macro system:
Are they clearly out of scope for this SRFI?


Yours sincerely, Vladimir Nikishkin