Last call for comments on SRFI 214: Flexvectors Arthur A. Gleckler (05 Feb 2021 18:31 UTC)
Re: Last call for comments on SRFI 214: Flexvectors Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe (08 Feb 2021 05:12 UTC)
Re: Last call for comments on SRFI 214: Flexvectors John Cowan (08 Feb 2021 17:51 UTC)
Re: Last call for comments on SRFI 214: Flexvectors Shiro Kawai (22 Feb 2021 04:20 UTC)
Re: Last call for comments on SRFI 214: Flexvectors Adam Nelson (22 Feb 2021 04:12 UTC)
Re: Last call for comments on SRFI 214: Flexvectors Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe (27 Feb 2021 19:51 UTC)

Re: Last call for comments on SRFI 214: Flexvectors Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe 27 Feb 2021 19:51 UTC

On 2021-02-21 23:12 -0500, Adam Nelson wrote:
> On 2/8/21 12:12 AM, Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe wrote:
> > * For clarity, flexvector-index should indicate that it applies
> >    ‘pred?’ in parallel to the elements of the flexvector arguments.
> >    (The specs of most similar procedures in SRFI 214 make this clear.)
> I don't think I follow what you meant by this. Do you mean a notice like
> "the dynamic order of application of `pred?` is unspecified"? That notice is
> missing from a lot of functions, including `flexvector-filter`,
> `flexvector-any`, and `flexvector-every`. iirc I copied the text from SRFI
> 133 wherever possible, and in SRFI 133 this warning was only present on
> `vector-map`. But it is technically true for most functions that take a
> predicate, and I can add it if it adds clarity.

What I had in mind was clarification that, when
flexvector-index(-right) are called with n flexvector arguments,
‘pred?’ must accept n arguments, which are specifically the elements
fv1[i], fv2[i], ..., fvn[i] for each index i.

For comparison, SRFI 1's analogous list-index has the following:

> If there are n list arguments clist1 ... clistn, then pred must be a
> function taking n arguments and returning a single value, interpreted
> as a boolean (that is, #f means false, and any other value means
> true).

SRFI 133 doesn't make this clear for vector-index, unfortunately,
although it can be divined from the examples (as it can be here).
But then, examples aren't supposed to be normative.

Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe  <>

"If one is searching for a needle in a haystack, look in the part
of the haystack that contains more needles." --Bird & Wadler