Thanks to Vladimir for putting this SRFI together. Combing through
all of SICP's forms for the primitive, unspecified ones must have
been a lot of work, and this SRFI seems to have determined the
essentials. I have a few short comments.
(1) The comments in the examples for `runtime' and `random' suggest
that these procedures print values, which doesn't seem to be intended.
The `runtime' example also shows the procedure returning a
floating-point value, whereas it is specified to return an integer.
(2) Does `runtime' need to return the "system uptime"? If it
provides a different integer seed on successive calls, isn't that
enough for this SRFI's purposes?
(3) In the example for parallel-execute, read "May assign to x any
of the following" for "May assign x to any of the following".
(4) Is there a rationale for recommending that stream-null? and
the-empty-stream be defined as null? and (), respectively?
(5) Since the stream implementation is contrasted with that of
SRFI 41, it might be worth mentioning that 41's (even) stream-cons
will *not* work as an implementation of cons-stream.
(6) (very minor) The formatting of the streams section is cramped
and probably could be improved with some paragraph tags.
(7) Whether this test passes is non-deterministic based on the
specification of `runtime':
(check (> (- (runtime) (runtime)) 0) => #t)
It failed during my CHICKEN test run, which is unsurprising, given
that the sample implementation uses current-second. The comparison
here is made even more questionable if `runtime' returns an inexact
integer (as does the sample implementation).
(8) The sample implementation needs to import (scheme time) for
(9) The (scheme small) subset imported by the sample implementation
seems to chibi-scheme specific. Perhaps it should be replaced with
(scheme base) for portability.
With the exception of the non-deterministic `runtime' test mentioned
above, all the included tests pass on CHICKEN+r7rs.
Best regards,
Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe <>
"It from bit." --John Wheeler