Thanks for bringing this up.
On 2021-08-21 19:56 +0200, Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen wrote:
> SRFI 224 proposes the -alter version, which fixes the deficiencies of
> -search. (Unrelated to this is the question whether -alter is a good name
> because the dictionary is not necessarily altered.)
I would certainly prefer to see -alter replace -search in SRFI 225.
Of course, -search has been implemented for many structures, while, as
yet, -alter is peculiar to SRFI 224.
> I haven't yet thought about what the -alter! version would be.
Isn't it rather obvious? The only complicating factor that I can
think of at the moment is that invoking (ignore) must not mutate
the dictionary.
P.S. I agree that "alter" is a poor name. It's the conventional name
for (something like) that form in most Haskell libraries, but I now
regret borrowing it for SRFI 224. "search" is even worse, however.
Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe <>
"[I]t is only a minor overstatement to say that [Brouwer] would have
thought twice about crossing a bridge if its engineers had used the
excluded middle to prove that it could bear his weight."
--Gilles Dowek