Tagged procedures draft in Loko Scheme Göran Weinholt (04 Sep 2021 14:25 UTC)
Re: Tagged procedures draft in Loko Scheme Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (04 Sep 2021 14:52 UTC)

Tagged procedures draft in Loko Scheme Göran Weinholt 04 Sep 2021 14:24 UTC
Hello Marc,

Thank you for the interesting tagged procedures SRFI. To see what the
implications are, I've implemented it in Loko Scheme and pushed it to
the wip/srfi-229 branch. Tagged procedures currently make the letrec
optimization pass less effective, but that should be fixable.

The example in 5.1 defines lambda/id=?, but it's not used. In 5.3 there
is an extra parenthesis in "(vector-ref (procedure-tag h) 0))".

The rationale section suggests some uses: source location information,
documentation strings and procedure properties. I think a consequence of
the current proposal is that if you want more than one of these
features, then they have to be aware of each other. So lack of
composability is my main concern for the practical usefulness of the
tag. What are your thoughts on this, and how do you envision procedure
tags will be used in practice?

Göran Weinholt   | https://weinholt.se/
Debian Developer | 73 de SA6CJK