array-elements-in-order? (Was: belated feedback) Bradley Lucier 16 Jan 2022 19:08 UTC

On 4/16/21 10:59 AM, Alex Shinn wrote:
> The name and description of array-elements-in-order? is misleading,
> suggesting it is the elements themselves which must be in order.
> Perhaps array-indices-in-order? or array-contiguous-and-in-order?
> would have been better.

The current description of array-elements-in-order? is

Procedure: array-elements-in-order? A

Assumes that A is a specialized array, in which case it returns #t if
the elements of A are stored in (array-body A) with increasing and
consecutive indices, and #f otherwise.

It is an error if A is not a specialized array.

I'm soliciting advice on what to name it and how to describe what it means.

I think Alex's suggested names are better than the current name, but I'm
not entirely happy with them.
