Re: New draft (#11) and last call for comments on SRFI 231: Intervals and Generalized Arrays (Updated^2) Bradley Lucier 12 Jun 2022 15:23 UTC

On 6/12/22 8:39 AM, John Cowan wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 12, 2022 at 3:14 AM Alex Shinn <
> <>> wrote:
>     nitpick: Since the inverse of array-curry is array-decurry, does it make
>     sense to call the inverse of array-tile array-detile (or
>     array-untile) rather
>     than array-block?
> Makes sense to me.  _Block_ is very ambiguous; "tile" not so much.
> Various dictionaries give _untile_ in the sense of 'remove tiles from';
> they don't have entries for _detile_, so I'd go with `array-untile`.

There's numpy.block

that does much the same thing, except it takes as an argument a nested
lists of arrays instead of a single array of arrays.

I chose the name for that reason.

After Jeff Siskind recommended that I try to include as much of Numpy's
array routines as is reasonable (in case any numpy programmers wanted to
use this SRFI ;-), I went through the numpy array documentation and
picked routines that I thought would be most useful in the context of
this SRFI, and numpy.block was one of those routines.

So I like the name, because it's the name numpy uses, but I'm not wed to it.
