Row-major order, column-major order, and currying arrays: an exegesis Bradley Lucier (18 Aug 2024 21:32 UTC)

Row-major order, column-major order, and currying arrays: an exegesis Bradley Lucier 18 Aug 2024 21:32 UTC


I was thinking about a version of SRFI 231 with array elements stored in
column-major order, as in Fortran.  The current version of SRFI 231
specifies row-major order of storing elements, as in C or Common Lisp (I

That makes some things easier, but also made array currying a bit tricky.

In my opinion, array currying is important in algorithms, so I made this
discussion before continuing with the idea of library version with
arrays in column-major order.


One big reason to consider using column-major order is that LAPACK, the
BLAS, etc., originated in Fortran, so the original algorithms, and many
optimized versions, assume column-major storage order.  (Many routines
allow one to indicate whether to compute with a given matrix argument or
the transpose of a given matrix argument, so if data is stored in
row-major order, one can simply flip that switch to get a result.  This
may or may not incur additional costs.)

There is a second, perhaps less significant, reason to consider moving
to column-major order.

In the SRFI 231 code for stepping through array elements, there is an
inefficiency caused by row-major order for arrays with dimension so
large that hand-written (or macro-expanded) specialized loops cannot be
used, so that arguments are stored in lists and one calls, e.g.,

(apply A_ indices)

where A_ is (array-getter A) and indices is a list of indices.

The SRFI 231 sample implementation avoids mutating argument lists in
order to be "call/cc-safe".

Lists are most efficiently operated on from the left side (the "head"),
so getting to the next multi-index in column-major order, where the
left-most index varies most quickly, is simply

(let ((new-indices
        (cons (+ (car indices) 1) (cdr indices))))
   (apply A_ new-indices))

(while keeping track of whether you've reached the upper bound of that
axis, of course).

Whereas, with elements stored in row-major order, with the right-most
index varying most quickly, avoiding mutation means that while stepping
through array elements in order, one keeps track of the *reversed*
argument list and computes something like

(let ((new-reversed-indices
        (cons (+ (car reversed-indices) 1)
              (cdr reversed-indices))))
   (apply A_ (reverse new-reversed-indices)))

with an extra call to "reverse".

In the sample implementation this is usually done when the dimension of
the array is bigger than 8, so it's not of much practical concern, but
it is a bit tricky.


Currying in logic and programming turns, e.g., a function of three
variables into a function of one variable that returns a function of two

(lambda (x y z) ...) => (lambda (x) (lambda (y z) ...))

I just did there what *everyone* does without comment or perhaps even
much thought: The *leftmost* argument is stripped off for the outer
lambda, leaving the two rightmost arguments for the inner lambda.

And that seems very natural for arrays, if you want to look at
two-dimensional slices of a three-dimensional array A, then the getter
B_ of the two dimensional slice B for fixed i_0 would be

B_ == (lambda (i_1 i_2) (A_ i_0 i_1 i_2))

(Of course, if you want to look at slices that are oriented differently
one would permute the axes of A to give a new array A-bar and then curry
that array.)

Now let's talk about row-major versus column-major order.

Assume that A is a newly allocated three-dimensional array in row-major
order, so that the elements of A are stored contiguously and in
increasing index order in the backing store (are "packed" in the
terminology of SRFI 231).

Then if B is a curried slice of A, then the elements of B are also "packed".

But if A a newly allocated three-dimensional array in *column-major*
order, the elements of the curried slice B are *not* stored contiguously
and in increasing column-major order, i.e., they are not "packed".

So some questions arise for arrays stored in column-major order:

1.  Should one strip indices from the *right* when currying arrays in
column-major order?  So a two-dimensional slice B for fixed i_2 would
have getter B_ with

B_ == (lambda (i_0 i_1) (A_ i_0 i_1 i_2))

Then B would be "packed".

2.  Question 1 is premised on the idea that canonically, the elements of
curried subarray slices should be "packed" if the elements of the
original array are "packed".  This is an assumption that programmers
might make.

If programmers will *not* make this assumption, then it doesn't matter
much that the elements of a curried subarray are not "packed" even when
the elements of the original array are "packed".

3.  Maybe it won't be an issue because, as stated earlier, if the array
axes are permuted before currying, the curried array slices will not be
"packed", anyway.  So the answer to Question 2 might be "No, programmers
won't assume that."
