Alternative topological sorting implementation Maxime Devos (13 Apr 2023 15:12 UTC)
Re: Alternative topological sorting implementation Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (13 Apr 2023 15:29 UTC)
Re: Alternative topological sorting implementation Maxime Devos (13 Apr 2023 16:00 UTC)
Re: Alternative topological sorting implementation Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (13 Apr 2023 20:18 UTC)
Re: Alternative topological sorting implementation Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (13 Apr 2023 20:35 UTC)
Re: Alternative topological sorting implementation Maxime Devos (17 Apr 2023 21:33 UTC)
Re: Alternative topological sorting implementation Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (18 Apr 2023 05:58 UTC)
Re: Alternative topological sorting implementation Maxime Devos (18 Apr 2023 07:53 UTC)
Re: Alternative topological sorting implementation Maxime Devos (17 Apr 2023 21:13 UTC)

Re: Alternative topological sorting implementation Maxime Devos 17 Apr 2023 21:13 UTC

Op 13-04-2023 om 22:18 schreef Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen:
> Am Do., 13. Apr. 2023 um 18:00 Uhr schrieb Maxime Devos
> <>:
>> Op 13-04-2023 om 17:29 schreef Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen:
>>> Hi Maxime,
>>> Thanks for sharing your code!
>>> I don't see many delimited continuations at work, though.  The
>>> continuation-related primitive in your code is basically
>>> abort-to-prompt, which is here of equal power as C's longjmp or other
>>> languages throw/catch (and reflects the most typical use of Scheme's
>>> classical call/cc).  But maybe I miss something in your code.
>> I won't comment on longjmp because that's too long ago for me > In Scheme terms, this just describes one-shot escaping continuations.

In that case, I can tell you that here it's _not_ of equal power as
one-shot escape continuations, because the code relies on _reinstating_
the continuation:

>> Maybe it is just throw/catch in disguise, but I don't see it -- on line
>> 57 + 66/70, the continuation is reinstated, which isn't something you
>> can do with throw/catch; you need raise-continuable/guard for that.
> Ah, I should have taken a closer look at Guile's primitives.  I only
> Racket's and the ones I wrote down in SRFI 226 by heart.  Guile's
> abort-to-prompt does not only abort to the prompt but also captures
> the delimited continuation, which I didn't know.  I looked for some
> instance of call/cc or call-with-delimited-continuation or the like.
>> I'm not sure if raise-continuable/guard is sufficient because there is
>> also a little state ('visiting' and 'visited') and I wanted to avoid
>> 'set!', but perhaps I'm just implementing 'set!' in terms of delimited
>> continuations here.
> Raise-continuable does no magic; guard uses continuations but mostly
> only to install the correct dynamic environment (and to be able the
> handler to escape with-exception-handler).

In Guile, this is false.  Guile uses the wrong dynamic environment (as
an optimisation): IIUC, for the guard test expressions are evaluated in
the dynamic environment of the 'raise'/'raise-continuable' invocation,
instead of the dynamic environment of the (guard ...) form.

Otherwise correct, but irrelevant.

> If catch/throw is not enough raise-continuable/guard is neither.

This sounds logically invalid to me, as raise-continuable is strictly
more powerful than raise-exception -- you can trivially graft "you can't
continue the exception" on top of a continuable exception API, but not
the other way around:

;; non-continuable exceptions are more-or-less implemented in terms of
;; continuable exceptions in Guile.  The exact implementation
;; is a little different because 'raise' and 'raise-continuable'
;; are combined in a single procedure that accepts a
;; #:continuable? argument, but it isn't different in in any way
;; that matters for this e-mail.
(define (raise exception)
   (raise-continuable exception)
   (error "you tried to continue the non-continuable exception; don't do

> The state (which you don't modify explicitly with set!) is hidden in
> the implicit continuation of Scheme's evaluation model.

Basically, IIUC, my point is, that I need the _continuable_ part of
raise-continuable to get that implicit continuation.  With
'throw/catch', I only get an escape continuation API, but I need to
_unescape_, and that's exactly the thing that makes raise-continuable
different from raise (or, viewed the other way around: that's the thing
that raise removes from raise-continuable).
> You may want to look at the "state handler" examples here:

That's the kind of thing I was referring to with:

"but perhaps I'm just implementing 'set!' in terms of delimited
continuations here. "
